Team Motivation: 5 Ideas for Invigorating Your Workforce

- Why It Is Important to Motivate a Team?
Did you know that “keeping things fresh” is an essential factor of motivation?
That’s why motivation lowers over time. If things stagnate in the workplace, team members can get frustrated, unmotivated, and less productive. Over time, team performance can drop significantly.
If your team motivation is faltering, how do you fix it? Keep reading to learn about the best productivity tips and ways to motivate a team.
Why Does Team Motivation Dwindle?
Sometimes team motivation falters because team members burn themselves out. From time to time it’s because there’s not enough team spirit. Sometimes it’s because the current project is stressful.
The bottom line is that there’s no single reason why team motivation dwindles—but when it does, getting it back is essential. Without motivation, teams stop working together.
That’s why your team management needs to focus on team building when your team is losing motivation. Here are some team motivation ideas that can help with that.
Play Zombie Escape
Zombie Escape is a team-building activity that will lighten the mood and reduce tension. Plus, the game encourages your team to work together!
First, set up a series of puzzles or challenges for your team to complete. These could be riddles, games, or other activities. Tell your team that they need to complete the challenges to escape the room.
Next, pick one team member to play the zombie. Attach the team member to the corner of the room with a rope or something similar. The zombie’s job is to tag the other team members.
Every three to five minutes, let the rope out a little further. The team members must escape the room before the zombie can tag them.
Host a Team Trivia Event
Plan a trivia night and ask your team members questions related to their team. How many team members own cats? What is the most common birthday on our team? Whose favorite color is purple?
For extra fun and team building, split the group into smaller teams. Give them fun team names. Offer a prize for the team with the highest score.
Bring in Special Food
We’re not talking about something boring like cupcakes or donuts. Plan a special lunch or snack that takes a little more effort. Pulled pork sandwiches, hot dogs, or a salad bar are good options.
If your team has allergies to accommodate, consider bringing in beverages instead. Everyone loves coffee, and an iced coffee bar or a jug of cold brew may lift everyone’s spirits.
Bring in a Business Speaker
If you don’t have confidence in your ability to motivate your team, why not hire a professional? Business speakers can remind your team why they’re here and motivate them for their future projects.
To get started, set up a time and place. Make sure you have enough room for everyone and equipment for your speaker. Next, view the top business speakers and invite your whole team.
Go Forth and Motivate Your Team
Team motivation is an art, not a science. Remember that everyone has different personalities, and you should do what works best for your team. Good luck! Your team will be back to its motivated self in no time.
Looking for even more ways to improve your workplace culture? Check out our Business category!